Welcome From The Headteacher
Dear Parents,
I am pleased to extend a warm welcome to you and your family and I hope that your son/daughter will be joining us at Brookhurst School.
The atmosphere throughout the school is friendly and purposeful and I believe that your child will find good friends and be happy here.
Throughout the school the children are in the care of skilful, talented and experienced teachers who will endeavour to fully develop your child’s potential abilities upon a sound foundation of basic knowledge, concepts and skills. S/he will be valued as an individual within the community of the school and we particularly appreciate the links that will be made with you, as parents.
Brookhurst School will not only be your son’s/daughter’s school but I sincerely hope that it will also become your school. Our partnership is a most important ingredient in your child’s education and s/he will benefit from your interest and support throughout the whole time s/he attends this school.
I am confident that Brookhurst School can give your son/daughter an education that meets his/her needs in the 21st Century and I hope that you will not hesitate to contact a member of staff or me if you have any concerns or questions.
I hope that you enjoy reading this prospectus and may I invite you to visit the school if you have not already looked around.
Yours sincerely,
Angela Stanton