Physical Education (PE)
Physical Education (PE) develops pupils’ physical competence and confidence. It promotes physical skill, development and knowledge of the body and provides opportunities for children to be creative, competitive and to face challenges as individuals, in group and in teams.
It is also essential in promoting a positive attitude towards active and healthy lifestyles. Through PE pupils learn how to plan, perform and evaluate their work, enabling them to improve their quality and effectiveness. Through this process, they discover their aptitude, abilities and preferences and how to make choices about getting involved in lifelong physical activity.
Our aims in teaching PE
- To ensure children are confident, safe and enjoy physical activity
- To develop a range of physical skills, strength and stamina
- To develop an ability to select, link and apply skills, tactics and compositional ideas and perform them with control, co-ordination and fluency
- To improve observational skills and the ability to evaluate their own and others work and use this skill to improve performance
- To develop a sense of fair play and sportsmanship
- To cooperate and work successfully/collaboratively with others
- To express ideas in dance form and appreciate the aesthetic qualities of movement
- To motivate and retain a lifelong interest in PE and to recognise the importance of living and maintaining a healthy lifestyle (See link with PSHE guidelines)
The PE and Sport Premium for Primary Schools
We must use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of Physical Education, Sport and Physical Activity (PESPA) on offer to pupils.
This means we will use the premium to:
- To develop or add to the PESPA already in place in school (referring to the aims below)
- To make improvements now for future pupils
The 5 key indicators where improvements should be seen are:
- The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity, aiming for 30 minutes a day within school time.
- The profile of PE and sport is raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement.
- Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport.
- Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils.
- Increased participation in competitive sport.
Sports Premium Spend 2024-2025
Sports Premium Spend 2022-2023
Sports Mark Award
School Games Gold 2023/2024
We are pleased to announce that Brookhurst has been awarded the Gold Sports Mark Award for our participation and profile in school sports.
To achieve the Gold School Games Mark, we:
- Developed a clearly planned approach to 60 active minutes within each school day. This was done through careful timetabling, heatmaps in the Active School Planner, student leadership and organised, active lunchtimes.
- Ensured at least 75% of our intra-school competitions had a clearly defined intent. This was done through adaptation of scoring, formatting and the widening of the competition environment. We employed a range of specialist staff to support us in meeting this goal.
- Offered a number of opportunities to children who had not previously shown an interest in sport. We entered competitions and festivals for: athletics, hockey, archery, cricket, football, netball, basketball and outdoor adventurous activities.
- Created a clear process to engage and glean our young people’s views on our school sport and physical activity offer. This was done through well-being ambassadors, children feedback, sports council meetings and team captains.
- Communicated our School Games competition/events plans to parents. This was done through text messages, emails, notice boards and our school website.