Our Staff Team *No employees at Brookhrust Primary School earn over £100,000* Angela Stanton - Head Teacher, Lead DSL Mark Hughes - Deputy Head Teacher/ Behaviour/RE/ECT tutor/DSL 5AH Poplar Tracey Taylor - Senior Teaching Assistant / SEN/1:1/Drawing and Talking therapy/ Friendship groups/DSL Nikki Ross - School Business Manager/Health and Safety/DSL/First Aider Charlotte Lidgard - History RSL FL Alder Megan Sheffield - Pupil Premium Lead FSM Ash Verity Maclean - EYFS Lead /Safeguarding Lead Across Ash, 1 Beech, 2 Chestnut Anna Stevens - 1S Cherry Samera Uddin - PSHE RSL and Nurture Lead/Mental Health First Aider. 1MU Beech Lucy Ward - Design Technology 2MW Chestnut Becky Brown - Literacy RSL and BSA rep 2G Fir Steph Beamish - Computing RSL/ Online safety lead/ Staff Governor Across Year 3 Gill Howell - Science RSL/ Life Skills lead 3HB Holly Loll Kirby - Library lead 3KB Hawthorn Isobel Lockley - Inclusion Lead/ SENCO 4PL MapleLGBTQ+ Safeguarding Lead Christina Wales - Art RSL 5W Oak Annie Honess - Online Safety 4H Lime Anna Archer - Parent partnership / Maths RSL/ Excellence lead 5AH Poplar Jonathan Dale - Physical Education RSL 6D Sycamore Emma Hugill - Geography RSL 6H Rowan Amber Prescott - 2B Fir Meggan Parkes - RE Lead 4PL Maple Amelia Stocker - Teaching assistant Paola Trisolini - 1:1 EYFS/Treehouse Manager/ DSL Treehouse/First AId at work/Paediatric First Aid Stella Newman - Teaching Assistant & Senior MDS Gina Reynolds - Family Support Worker/Attendance Lead/DSL Family Support Worker and Attendance Sioban Mulherin - Year 6 Teaching Assistant Dario Payne - 1:1 and Teaching Assistant Sofia Gryparis - Fine and gross motor skill lead and TA/Senior MDS/First Aid/Afterschool Club Teresa Henderson - Rapid catch up - phonics and times tables and 1:1 Becki Jones - Forest School lead/First AId at work/Paediatric First Aid Lucy Evans - Teaching Assistant EYFS Carley Timms - Teaching Asssiant Cathryn Clark - Year 5 Teaching Assistant and One World Link Co-ordinator Kate Waterfield - Sustainability/Forest School and EAL lead/First Aid at Work Bea Bowman - Admin Assistant/ School Trips/First Aid at Work and Website Laura Bradshaw - School Finance/Admin and First Aid at Work Bubs Chahal - Admin Assistant/Treehouse Finance/ First Aid at Work Steve Bull - Caretaker Karen Billington - Kitchen Supervisor