Parents' Forum
Parents Forum Meetings
If you are a parent or carer of a child at Brookhurst, come along to the Parents’ Forum. It meets once a term and is an opportunity to find out what’s going on and to discuss school-related issues with staff members.
The Forum is an important way of ensuring that the views of parents and carers are heard by senior school staff. Topics discussed at recent meetings have included:
- the school’s home learning (homework) policy
- the website and learning platform
- communication (which led to the communication survey undertaken in July 2012)
- school meals
- learning reviews
Meetings are informal and a genuine opportunity for open discussion.
The more people attend, the stronger the partnership we can develop between parents/carers and school staff. Although it is not a decision-making body, the Forum has the opportunity to influence decisions through open dialogue.
The notes and action points are sent out with the school newsletter and published on the school website.
Parents’ Forum meetings agenda & date
If you would like to make a suggestion for the next agenda, please email the school office stating that it is for the attention of the Parent’s Forum or just come along to the next meeting.
Please note that that Forum focuses on issues that affect the whole school community, not individual classes or pupils – these should be discussed with your child’s teacher in the first instance.