School Opening Hours

We operate a bell system at the school to help the children (and staff!) know exactly when each session begins and ends.


School Session Times

Morning Session

Key Stage 1 – 8.55am to 12noon

Key Stage 2 – 8.55am to 12noon  

Afternoon Session

Key Stage 1 – 1pm to 3.30pm

Key Stage 2 – 1pm to 3.30pm


Morning Break

Morning break is at 10:45am. Children in Key Stage 1 are offered a piece of fruit to eat. Children in Key Stage 2 can bring in a piece of fruit to have as a snack. Children can have milk in school – please contact Cool Milk direct. NO NUTS IN SCHOOL PLEASE.


School Lunches

Children can bring a healthy packed lunch or order a school lunch each morning.

See our school lunch menu for details. NO NUTS IN SCHOOL PLEASE.


Our Code of Conduct

At Brookhurst School we are ready to learn, we listen to each other, we look after our school and things in it, we walk inside school and we treat everyone as we would like them to treat us.


House System

Every child at Brookhurst is allocated a House: Jepherson (yellow), Victoria (blue), Satchwell (green) or Lockhart (red). Siblings will be in the same house. Points towards each house will be given for behaviour, good work etc. House colours are worn by children on sports day.



Find out more about Brookhurst’s many extra curricular clubs and our Out of School Club, which provides children with exciting activities both after school and during the school holidays.